Friday, May 9, 2008


Did anyone see this episode?...oh my. I normally don't watch this show, however, my husband does so I've kind of been catching the end of some of the episodes. Tonights made me laugh. Erik is an idiot. They got it right when they said that he was officially the dumbest survivor ever. If you didn't see it here's what happened. It was down to the final 5...Erik and 4 women. Erik won immunity for the night and the women convinced him to give it to someone else and they would vote off Amanda. The idiot fell for it! He gave his immunity necklace to one of the other girls (I don't know her name) and of course, all of the women voted him off. Erik was completely caught off guard. He really thought that they would stick to what they told him. My opinion is that anyone that is stupid enough to give up immunity this late in the game deserves to be voted out. This episode just proves that men really aren't that intelligent and a woman will outsmart them every time. :)

Blog sig Beth

1 comment:

Count Your Blessings said...

I agree - that was so funny! We were laughing so hard. I still felt kind of sorry for him, but truly, who would do that?!?! GO WOMEN! (We want Amanda to win)