Saturday, May 3, 2008


I'M SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I finally invested in a really good digital camera. I bought a Nikon D40 last night. It has so many options that I really don't know what I'm doing with it yet...but I'm trying. Guess I'll actually have to read the instruction manual. Luckily, my sister in law has the same camera so she's going to be showing me alot about it when we go visit in July. The one thing I love about it is that I can take pics of my kids when they are moving and the pics don't get blury. It also takes the picture as soon as you hit the button...there's no waiting around. I took it to Tyler's soccer game today and got some amazing "action" shots that I never would have got with my old digital camera. I'm in the process of downloading the pics onto my computer so they'll be posted soon. Just thought I'd share my excitement.

Blog sig Beth

1 comment:

Count Your Blessings said...

Thats awesome! I am so excited - and now I cant wait to see all these great pics you're able to take!