My poor precious Ian really suffered this time around with his shots. He received the shots on Tuesday night I could tell he wasn't quite himself. He slept pretty well on Tuesday night. Then Wednesday it started. First the fever. He woke up with his temperature at 100.4. I got motrin onboard right away and that seemed to be working. Poor little guy was so tired though...definitely was not his wild and crazy self. While he was taking a nap (2.5 hours...which he never does)...I made the decision to call off work...not that it took much thinking about. Everyone knows how much I "love" my job and honestly my kids just come first. Anyway, by that evening he was screaming and was awful. After puking all over the place twice, once on me and once on Gary, he finally went to bed for the night. Thursday he woke up better...still not 100% but better. Again he was quiet, which is very unlike him. Finally Friday I had my little loud crazy Ian back. And just think, he has to get more shots in another two months...
1 comment:
Poor baby - thats awful he had to go thru all that. I hope he doesnt go thru it next time he gets shots... but happy to hear he's back to his crazy self!
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