Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I'm finally getting around to posting about our wonderful visit to see our family. We finally were able to get our schedules coordinated with Gary's brother to spend some time together. We went out on a Sunday (after they got back from a loooong weekend of camping) and stayed until Tuesday. We had so much that we wanted to do but of course the few days we had went so fast that alot of it didn't get accomplished. On Sunday when we arrived they were all waiting outside for us...Kim wanted to take Ian before anyone else could get to him...and of course I gladly gave him to her to spoil. We visited for awhile on Sunday and during this time Tim brought in a baby bunny their cat was "playing" with outside. Kim and I ran to the store and she got some goats milk to feed the little guy. They fed it until it uh...well it "ran away" at the end of our visit. Anyway, after we visited we got down to business making candy...well ok I made candy and everyone else was wonderful taste testers. I, we, made chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered mini oreo's...all yummy treats. On Monday we headed off to the beach for some fun. The kids had a blast. Even Ian loves the beach, well the sand. Monday night we all went out and enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Fridays. The best part of this was that kids eat free there on Mondays. Monday evening Kim and I got to visit for awhile when I was trying to put Ian to bed and Gary and Tim had some time with the kids. Tuesday came way to fast and it was about time to leave. We enjoyed some final moments together over lunch (wings!!!) then had to say goodbye. We truely did have a wonderful time and I can't wait until they come to our place at the end of August. Of course we, well Kim, took lots of pictures and I've uploaded them into my smugmug account (my newest addiction, thanks Kim). Click here to see the pictures of our trip.

Blog sig Beth

Monday, July 28, 2008


I have finally started the process of backing up my pictures. My sister in law (who else) introduced me to smugmug and I love it already. It is idiot proof so I've had no difficulty with it at all! Here is a link to look at my first album. The pictures are from my little cousin Maddie's first birthday party. And if you like what you see and want to get your own smugmug account use my email as a reccomendation and you and I will both get a discount. Enjoy!
Blog sig Beth



My wonderful nieces are turning 5 today! Just like on their big sister Kaitlyn's birthday I have to "sing" to them on here. Your cards are in the mail girls...tell mommy to take you shopping and remember, I want pictures of what you buy! Have a great day! I love you!

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Megan
Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Morgan
Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Madison
Happy Birthday To You!

Blog sig Beth

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Yesterday morning, around 9am, I heard the sad news on Good Morning America. Diane Sawyer announced that father, husband, professor, author and inspiring man Randy Pausch had lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. I have been following this man's story ever since I saw him on a special on ABC. I have read his book as well as watched his lecture on You Tube. May his family be comforted by the knowledge that "Randy concentrated on living his life rather than on his impending death." REST IN PEACE RANDY.
Some links...
click here for my review of "The Last Lecture"
click here for ABC News story of Randy's passing and for some info on tributes they will be having
click here for the Last Lecture website
Blog sig Beth

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Gary's brother and his family are lucky enough to live right at the beach. The best thing about this (to me anyway) is that when you walk out of their front door you instantly are greeted by the smell of salt water. We spent this past Monday at the beach with them and had a fabulous time! I'll post more about our visit later (kind of in a hurry now, gotta get to work soon) but I wanted to get some pics posted of our wonderful day.






Blog sig Beth

Friday, July 18, 2008


Just thought I'd share this pic of Ian doing what he loves to do...suck his thumb. I really hope this isn't a habit that continues, but, it is really cute now.

Blog sig Beth

Thursday, July 17, 2008


This was sent to me thru email and I thought it was cute enough to pass on...enjoy!
This is for those mothers's of boys, sisters of boys, and boys that
have grown older. And anyone else who needs a laugh.

Why boys need parents...

And you also find out interesting things when you have sons, like...

1.) A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house 4
inches deep.

2.) If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller
blades, they can ignite.

3.) A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded

4.) If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong
enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman
cape. It is strong enough, however, if tied to a paint can, to spread paint
on all four walls of a 20x20 ft. room.

5.) You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When
using a ceiling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times
before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way.

6.) The glass in windows (even double-pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by
a ceiling fan.

7.) When you hear the toilet flush and the words 'uh oh', it's already too

8.) Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it.

9.) A six-year old Boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a
36-year old man says they can only do it in the movies.

10.) Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a 4-year old

11.) Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.

12.) Super glue is forever.

13.) No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can't
walk on water.

14.) Pool filters do not like Jell-O.

15.) VCR's do not eject 'PB & J' sandwiches even though TV commercials
show they do.

16.) Garbage bags do not make good parachutes.

17.) Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise w hen driving.

18.) You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.

19.) Always look in the oven before you turn it on; plastic toys do not
like ovens.

20.) The fire department in Austin , TX has a 5-minute response time.

21.) The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy.

22.) It will, however, make cats dizzy.

23.) Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy.

24.) 80% of women will pass this on to almost all of their friends, with
or without kids.

25.) 80% of men who read this will try mixing the Clorox and brake fluid.
Blog sig Beth

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Yes, it's true...Gary has sold his first true love...his bike. I really didn't think this would ever happen even though he's been talking about doing it for some time. I'll just say that craigs list is an amazing thing. Gary placed the ad on Thursday early in the morning and had a call by 9am. The guy came to look at the bike that afternoon and was interested immediately. It's bittersweet for both of us that the bike is gone. Gary LOVED his bike and I enjoyed going for long rides to Nissley Vineyards with him. We both just knew the "responsible" thing to do was to sell the bike. Having a baby put things in perspective for us. Eventually I think Gary will have another bike...but not for quite some time.
Here's my little tribute to Gary's "last ride"...these pics are from the day he sold it (Monday, July 14, 2008). He rode over to meet the guy that was buying it and do all the paperwork.
A last look...

In all his gear...

Almost ready to go...

He's thinking "what am I about to do?"

Off he goes...

Blog sig Beth

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Check out my little Ian in his walker. Hard to believe this walker was Tyler's when he was little. (this pic was taken with my phone so it's not that great...but still cute

Blog sig Beth

Saturday, July 12, 2008


My poor precious Ian really suffered this time around with his shots. He received the shots on Tuesday...by Tuesday night I could tell he wasn't quite himself. He slept pretty well on Tuesday night. Then Wednesday it started. First the fever. He woke up with his temperature at 100.4. I got motrin onboard right away and that seemed to be working. Poor little guy was so tired though...definitely was not his wild and crazy self. While he was taking a nap (2.5 hours...which he never does)...I made the decision to call off work...not that it took much thinking about. Everyone knows how much I "love" my job and honestly my kids just come first. Anyway, by that evening he was screaming and was awful. After puking all over the place twice, once on me and once on Gary, he finally went to bed for the night. Thursday he woke up better...still not 100% but better. Again he was quiet, which is very unlike him. Finally Friday I had my little loud crazy Ian back. And just think, he has to get more shots in another two months...

Blog sig Beth

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I know everyone is sick and tired of gas prices...but I'm not really gonna complain about the increasing cost...instead I have another complaint. While camping this past weekend we were out running around and decided to stop and get gas...the sign said $3.95...so we thought....wow that's good...might as well get while we're here. So Gary slides his card thru, hits credit, and bam...it's $4.05. We then found out from another customer that the prices on the sign are "cash" prices...if you use your credit card it is ten cents more. How ridiculous is that? Now I'm sitting here watching the news and apparently this is happening all over the place. How do you get around this if you only have a card to swipe and don't carry cash? It's easy...hit debit instead of credit when you swipe your bank card. I can't believe gas prices have come to this!!

Blog sig Beth

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It seems like life has been so crazy around here lately. Nothing major...just the typical no time for anything extra...like blogging. So since someone (won't mention any names) has been getting on me about needing an update...here you go Kim. :)

On July 4th we had a small picnic with a few friends that we haven't seen in forever and a neighbor that never seems to be home. It was so nice to just be able to relax and have a cookout...I just wish the weather would have been nicer...it rained ALL day! Here's a few pics from our day

My Little July 4th Monster...

One of my very best friends who lives too far away...

Our friend Nicole playing with Ian (he LOVED all the attention he got)...

We headed up to camp on Saturday which was soooo wonderful. I just realized that I talk alot about camp...here's a link to our camp's website. Sorry no pics from the weekend. We relaxed, I read, Gary and Ty cleaned the camper, Ty wiped out on his bike...it was a fun and relaxing weekend.

We came home on Monday so that I could watch my niece, Elle. I couldn't wait to see her and have her all to myself for a little. I think I kept her for about 2 hours and I loved every minute of it. I wish I could say that Ian loved it too. He was soooo jealous! I didn't know that it was possible for a little one to express jealousy but he did. Elle made me realize that Ian is a wild man...she is so calm and delicate and he just yells and wants to be heard. I did manage to get some good pics of her and my boys...

Look she's bashful...

Ian is trying to watch her...she's in HIS swing...

Look at them "playing"...

Happy Elle...

All the kids...

So that bring us to today. My boys both had Dr's appointments for physicals. Tyler's 10 year and Ian's 4 month. Both boys checked out great. Tyler weighs 64 pounds and is 4 fee 6 inches tall. Ian weighs 15 pounds and is 26.5 inches long. I can't believe how my boys are growing! Tyler lucked out with no shots but my poor Ian needed 4. He did really well this time. Of course he screamed at first. He took a small nap and woke up happy. He started to get a little cranky this evening so he just went to bed early...not too bad for all the "trauma" he suffered today.

Now it's late and time for me to get some sleep...well, ok...I'll talk some more to my sister in law and then read a bit then i'll get some sleep. Tomorrow it's back to work...never any fun.

Blog sig Beth


I've been reading nonstop lately...which i'm enjoying soooo much. Unfortunately I haven't been able to keep up with my book updates...so here's 4 book reviews. Enjoy

Publisher: Dell Publishing Co./Div Of Random H
Publication Date: February, 2008

What it's about: (taken from Doubleday Book Club)
Join Danielle Steel in her newest breathtaking escape to Hollywood and Paris for the glamour, the glitter—the heartache waiting in the wings for a beloved actress.

Still stunningly beautiful at 50, movie star Carole Barber has played many roles not only on screen, but in real life as well. A mother, divorcee and sadly, widow, she’s now added novelist to the list. The only problem, the more Carole works on her book, the more she realizes it is her own life playing out on the page and suddenly, she wants to go back. It was in Paris that Carole forswore her one true love, and it is to Paris she returns, never suspecting she would end up hospitalized, a victim in a terrorist attack.

With her worried family gathered round, Carole awakens from a coma with no memory of her identity. Nor does she recognize her ex-husband, who rues the day his misguided affair destroyed their marriage. Her children, too, are strangers as is the handsome man whose searching eyes seem to look into her soul. Matthieu de Brillancort lost Carole once, years ago. This time, he won’t leave her side until this woman who owns his heart remembers their love of a lifetime

What I thought:
I've been reading Danielle Steele books for years and had to take a break...this was the first one I've read in awhile. It seemed like they all started to sound alike. This one was the same. I did like it but you have to respect the way Steele tells stories. All of her books seem to have the same scenerio...poor little rich woman / man / kid...then disaster strikes...then they all somehow live happily ever after. It did take me awhile to read, partly because I just didn't have the time and mostly because it was pretty hard to stay focused on. Towards the middle of the book it seemed to read a little easier. It was pretty easy to see how the ending would be. I will probably continue to read Danielle Steele books but have found other authors that interest me alot more. Overall I would say it's an ok read if you want something to just relax with but don't expect much from it.

Publisher: Warner Books, Inc.
Publication Date: September, 1999

What it's about: (taken from Doubleday Book Club)
When I was 17, my life changed forever. I'm 57 years old, but even now I can remember everything from that year, down to the smallest details. I close my eyes and the years begin to move in reverse. As if through someone else's eyes, I watch myself grow younger. My innocence returns as that eventful year approaches. My name is Landon Carter, and I'm 17 years old.
It is 1958, and in the small town of Beaufort, North Carolina, Landon just wants to have a fun-filled senior year. The last person he anticipates caring about is Jamie Sullivan, the plain, sweet and pious daughter of the Baptist minister, a girl who cheerfully volunteers at the local orphanage.
But after reluctantly playing opposite Jamie in the school's Christmas play, Landon sees her in a whole new light. Now Landon will discover truths about the nature of beauty, the joy of giving, the pain of loss and, most of all, the miraculous power of first love. And just as Landon grows to love Jamie, you'll lose your heart to Nicholas Sparks' wonderfully sentimental, unforgettably touching new tale

What I thought:
Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors...ok possibly my favorite. I have read this book many, many times and will probably read it again and again. I still laugh, cry and get very involved with these characters every time I read this book. This is a good sentimental read if that's what you're looking for. It will make you believe in true love again...

Publisher: Hachette Book Group Usa
Publication Date: April, 2008

What it's about: (taken from Doubleday Book Club)
This unforgettably emotional love story explains why James Patterson is one of the best known and bestselling authors of all time.

Jane Margaux is the only child of a divorced couple. She lives with her single, selfish mother whose sole focus is her flourishing Broadway theater company, and rarely sees her father, whose infatuation with his beautiful young girlfriend knows no end. Is it any wonder the lonely little seven-year-old turns inward and conjures up Michael, a handsome, charming companion who never fails to make her laugh or feel wanted? Of course, no one else can see her special, thirty-something friend, who always reminds Jane “when you grow up, you won't remember me.” But in her heart, she knows he's wrong.

Years later, Jane is as alone as she's ever been in her life, still living in the shadow of her dramatic, overpowering mother, when she catches a glimpse of the face she's never forgotten. But while this Michael is no figment of her imagination, is he her one true love?

Sundays at Tiffany's is a love story with an irresistible twist, a novel about the child inside all of us—and the surpassing power of love.

What I thought:
This book is kind of hard for me to write a review. I liked it but it was...different. The only way I can really explain it is to say it's an adult fairy tale. Very imaginative...and pretty interesting. I would recomend it if you can open your imagination a little. I did like one of the quotes from this book..."Love means you can never be apart"...how true that is.

Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated
June 17, 2008

What it's about:(taken from Amazon.com)
Jane Green is one of the preeminent authors of women’s fiction today, and with each new novel, her audience grows. Green’s avid and loyal fans follow her because she writes about the true-to-life dilemmas of women—and The Beach House will not disappoint.

Known in Nantucket as the crazy woman who lives in the rambling house atop the bluff, Nan doesn’t care what people think. At sixty-five-years old, her husband died twenty years ago, her beauty has faded, and her family has flown. If her neighbors are away, why shouldn’t she skinny dip in their swimming pools and help herself to their flowers? But when she discovers the money she thought would last forever is dwindling and she could lose her beloved house, Nan knows she has to make drastic changes.

So Nan takes out an ad: Rooms to rent for the summer in a beautiful old Nantucket home with water views and direct access to the beach. Slowly, people start moving into the house, filling it with noise, with laughter, and with tears. As the house comes alive again, Nan finds her family expanding. Her son comes home for the summer, and then an unexpected visitor turns all their lives upside-down.

What I thought:
I saved the best for last! I seriously LOVED this book! I don't think that any other book I read will compare to this. The characters are so real and their situations so believeable. The author did an amazing job drawing me into these people's lives. This book was one that makes me want a sequel. I so want to know what happened with the characters...yes they became that real to me...and i wanna go to Nantucket!!! This book is a must read!!! The best one I've read in a long time!!!

Blog sig Beth

Thursday, July 3, 2008

BOATING FUN (well for some)

Yesterday we took our boat out for the first time this year. This is one of Gary and Tyler's favorite ways to waste an afternoon. For me, well, I could take it or leave it. I probably won't go back out again this year. It was nice to be able to spend the day with my family after a long week of work. We went to Blue Marsh Lake (click here for a link to see some info) and took advantage of the beautiful weather. Here are some pics from our day

Our Boat...we got it last year at the boat show. It's a 2006 (I think) Azure (click here for a link to Azure's website)

My boys enjoying their day...

Ian didn't really seem to mind the day on the boat...well he didn't like the life jacket much. We actually started out with a real nice and fancy one on him...it swallowed him up. We ended up changing to a cheap orange one later in the day. Here's a shot of him in his original life jacket...he was so freaking cute...

Here he is sitting like a big boy in daddy's truck at the end of the day. Ian and I were waiting on Gary and Tyler to get everything packed up.

So if nothing else, I enjoyed seeing Ian look adorable (as usual) and Tyler enjoying himself.
Blog sig Beth