Saturday, January 31, 2009


Yes I know a haircut is normally not a huge deal but today was Ian's first haircut! He did so tears. It probably helped that Elmo was on tv for his enjoyment. Here's some shots of our big event...

Sitting in the chair (and a before shot of his hair)

All ready to go...

It helped that the hairdresser was someone I know...

Almost done...

He didn't even mind getting "tickled"...

All finished...

Here's two "after" shots from this evening...he wouldn't really sit still for me (and by this point in the evening his hair is all over the place) to get a good one so look for more in the coming week...

Blog sig Beth

1 comment:

Count Your Blessings said...

What a BIG boy! If it's possible, I think he looks more like Tyler in the 'after' pics... cutie pie!