Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yes, I know...I've been a little absent from the blogging world lately. And right now I only have time to do a quick update, sorry. Here's what's been going on in our lives lately...
Tyler is still enjoying middle school. I'm a little overwhelmed with the amount of homework he gets...and what's with the new math? He had homework yesterday that I tried to help him with. The only way I knew to solve the one problem (word problems, yuck) was with algebra, but he informed me that they didn't learn that yet. So I figured out the answer but told him that he needed to talk to his teacher to see how they should be doing it. The answer he got...guess and is that? Ugh, what happened to actually working out the problems? Anyway, besides that all is well with middle school. Mr. Social has once again decided to join the school's branch of the Kiwanas Club. I think it's great that he wants to be involved, but I honestly think he does it just to stay social. He's everyone's buddy. I got a phone call from the band teacher today...seems Tyler "forgot" to take his trumpet to school today so he missed his lesson. I'm a little frustrated with Tyler at this moment...I've now highlighted on the lunch calander all of the days he needs to remember to take his instrument to school...ugh, kids. Ty's soccer season is off to a good start. These kids are amazing to watch play. (pics will be posted soon, I promise).
Ian still continues to amuse me on a daily basis. I still think he's wild but I hope on a daily basis that he starts to calm down...doesn't happen. I cannot believe he will be 7 months on the 25th! Time flies. I'm already starting to try to plan his first birthday party...makes me want to cry. Oh, and guess who's trying to crawl!?! Yep, Ian is officially getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. It'll only be a matter of time. Gary seems to think it will be "cool" when Ian becomes mobile...boy does he have alot to learn.
Ok, I'm off to pick Ty up from soccer then it's time for work. In another life I'm going to have hired help to run kids around...

Here's Ian in his beginning to crawl phase...

Blog sig Beth

1 comment:

Count Your Blessings said...

First of all, I was the 2008th visitor to your blog - I thought that was kinda cool ;) And how cute is Ian, love that pic. I know what you mean about the homework and we only have 2nd grade and Pre-K, cant imagine in a few years!