Thursday, May 22, 2008


I'll start by saying that my work week is over...thank god! I feel like I missed so much while I was working. I'm now enjoying every minute that I have with my boys this week...and already dreading Wednesday (that's when I return to work).
The reality of Tyler going to middle school next year has set in. He has his orientation today. He's thrilled...I'm not. I don't think I'm ready for him to leave the little protected world of elementary school. Tomorrow is his last elementary field day...I plan on taking lots of pictures. He'll probably have a fit about it but oh well. He doesn't even want me coming...we comprimised...I agreed not to go eat lunch with him. I guess it's not cool to have your mom tagging along with you in forth grade. He has also started to get phone calls in the evenings from his friends...they get online and play games and make plans for the weekend. When he is on the phone I get shoved out of the room or he takes the phone and talks somewhere that I can't hear him. I dread that first phone call from a girl.
Ian is doing so much new every day. Today he started laughing...really laughing. I was holding him and tickling him and he was just cracking up. He also has figured out how to blow bubbles with his slobber. It's cute, but not much fun when I'm trying to feed him. He has also discovered how interesting television is. He will turn try to position himself so that he can see what's on.
I can't believe how fast my guys are growing. Tyler will be driving and Ian going to school before I know it...I just really wish I could freeze goes way too fast!

I just can't believe how fast my guys are growing up. Time really does go too fast.

Ian watching TV

Ian blowing bubbles

Ian 12 weeks old

Blog sig Beth

1 comment:

Count Your Blessings said...

I tried to leave you a comment yesterday, but apparently it didnt post - so I'll try again! I really cant believe how fast Ian is getting so big...and blowing bubbles - how cute is that?!?!