Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm Baaaacckkkkk...

So yes it has been awhile since I've had the time (or the motivation) to post on here. So much has happened over these past few weeks. I'll start with today and go backwards...LOOK WHAT I WOKE UP TO TODAY!

I am just not a fan of winter...I think the snow is beautiful (for about 5 minutes) but I honestly can't stand the thought of the mess it brings with it. Tyler will no doubt have to step in every inch of snow on his way home and bring it in the house on his shoes...and leave it for someone else to clean up. Then there is the whole idea of cleaning off my car...ugh. Luckily I have a husband that will usually do this for me. Although this morning he went right to bed after dare he! Maybe it will melt before I need to go anywhere. Slim chance since I need to leave in about two hours for an appointment.

Ian once again has had a few milestones. He finally has teeth! Two of them to be exact. The first one appeared this past Sunday night and the second one I noticed on Wednesday night. I'm thinking it will be non stop teething from this point on. Ian has also discovered his ability to climb under things. Here is his favorite little "fort"...

We just celebrated Tyler's 11th birthday on Monday...I can't believe my little guy is 11! (sorry no pics yet...still need to upload from my camera). It is also now time for the second report card of 5th grade. He will once again have all A's! Being able to check your kid's grades online is wonderful! If your school has it you should seriously sign up. I even now have alerts being sent to my email if he scores below a specific grade (that I set) on anything! I find out his grades before he does!

Halloween was fun...and cold! Ian went as a cow and Tyler as a soccer player. Tyler wasn't feeling too creative this year. Of course they both got way too much candy that they were forced to give, uh I mean share with us.

I have also found a new way to support my Kipling Bag habit...EBAY! I just got a new diaper bag (yes, I really did need one) from ebay for under $25!

So that's what we've been up to lately. Sorry some of the pics are blurry...they were all taken on my phone. Well, time to go. Ian is climing in and out of his carseat (another new amusement of his) and I need to get him ready to go to the dr for his 9 month check...I can't believe he's going to be 9 months old!

Blog sig Beth

1 comment:

Count Your Blessings said...

Thanks for the update, I've been going thru withdrawal! I'll have to check out the Kipling stuff on ebay - gotta feed that addiction! Oh and I so wish our school had a system to see the kids grades online - today is report card day, I'll let you know how Kaitlyn does!