Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I'm sure you've figured out already that I am a wife and a mom and I love every minute of it! My life truely revolves around my husband and two boys and I wouldn't have it any other way. I work full time as a certified pharmacy technician with the dream of eventually being a stay at home mom. Here are some pictures of my pride and joy (my family) and our story...


Gary and I met at work...I never thought I'd end up marrying him; but fate had other ideas. He is the sweetest, most caring, unselfish man I've ever met. I will always remember our first "real date"...he picked me up to take me out to dinner and go ice skating and brought toys for my son. That was it...I was hooked. We dated off and on for awhile and eventually figured out that it was time to move forward. We bought our house in January of 2006 and were engaged on the same day that we settled. We were then married on August 4th, 2007. He's far from perfect...but he's my prince charming :)

our wedding day
DaisypathAnniversary Years Ticker


Tyler is our 10 year old. He is sweet, witty, intelligent and athletic. Ty does great with his academics, is involved in volunteer opportunities at school, and plays the trumpet. He also lives to play soccer!...I think he would play year round if we'd let him. Right now he plays in the spring and the fall. On his last report card his teacher summed him up by saying that "Tyler is a model for others to follow. I (the teacher) can always rely on Tyler to make wise choices and treat his classmates with respect." I guess somewhere along the way we did something right with him.


Ian is our precious little one. He was born on February 25, 2008. I can't believe how this little boy has changed my life. He is so happy, sweet and innocent. When I hold him, watch him sleep, or play with him...all of my worries and cares are gone.

Both of my boys have a special place in my heart. They are my greatest blessings in life. I can't imagine my life without them.


Zoe is a 3 year old mix of a jack russell terrier and a toy poodle. Yes, she has a ton of energy. Most of the time she frustrates me but every now and again she makes me smile. What I love about her is that when I'm having a bad day she senses it and will just come sit on my lap and want to be loved. She has her moments but she's a sweet dog. She's as much a part of the family as our boys.

So that's us. I plan on using this blog as a sort of journal for myself. I'm really bad at scrapbooking (have 3 I started and haven't finished one) and organizing photos (still have film from when Ty was little that hasn't been developed) so this will be my little keepsake and a way for me to tell our story.

Like what you see? My wonderful sister in law (Kim) created this blog page for me. Her and her husband (Tim) have started a business designing blog sites. Click on the "spiced up" link to see their work...and maybe get a blog site of your own :)
ta ta for now...

Blog sig Beth


Count Your Blessings said...

Awesome! I love it! What a nice tribute to your boys :) And thanks for the 'shout out'... I will be checking back every day!

Kimber said...

I LOVE IT --- you kids are sooooo CUTE!